Book 2:

Magelica’s Voyage
The Rescue

Make Your Life Magical

In The Rescue, Magelica discovers that wonderful things can happen when she laughs, when she believes in herself and when she trusts that life will guide her. Take a few moments, on your own or with a close friend or grownup, and see how you can discover wonders in your own world.

Laugh as much as you can!

Laughing brings joy, and makes you feel good and positive.

The Islanders discover that laughing takes away their stress and fears, and helps things run more smoothly. Queen Raya sees more clearly when she remembers how important it is to laugh, and when Wally Wizard starts to laugh, his powers return. Laughing even helps Magelica forget her fears and land perfectly on the Isle of Darkness.

Have you ever started a Laugh Wave? That’s when giggling turns to laughter and the laughter becomes so contagious that everyone joins in.
Try starting a Laugh Wave at school or with your friends, and see what happens!

It Starts with Believing!

Believe in yourself, and never give up! Will says, “Where there’s a Will, there’s a way.” Even when he is stranded on a deserted island, he never stops believing that something good will happen. When Magelica tries to fly to the Isle of Dreams, she imagines herself there, and she keeps trying until she gets there. Is there something you really want to do? Use your imagination and try believing really strongly. When you believe in yourself and work hard toward your goal, you have the power to make things happen. You have more power than you may think!

Trust that everything will be okay!

Prince Will tells Magelica that there are no coincidences in life and that everything happens for a reason. Do you trust that life will take you where you are supposed to go with people you are supposed to meet?

Prince Will didn’t want to get shipwrecked. But if he hadn’t, he might have never met Magelica. Sometimes things happen that are hard to understand or explain, but then something even better may come from them. Prince Will always kept his faith that they would be rescued. He didn’t know what would happen next, but he trusted that it would be something good. Think of something that happened to you recently. Can you figure out why it happened? Try laughing and staying positive to get through the tough times—and to keep the good times going. Discover for yourself that everything works out in the end.

And always love yourself! Do you know that you are amazing just the way you are? Believe in love and trust that love is the key to being happy. It’s the most powerful feeling of all!

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Magelica’s Voyage
To the Land Of The Fairies

Magelica’s Voyage
To Save The Worlds