

Create Your Own Magic!

By repetition over time, you can create new, positive thoughts and behavior, until the new habit is something you automatically do. It becomes part of who you are.
Together, let’s get there one step at a time. As time goes on, the tips will get more challenging. But it will be fun. And don’t forget to share the magic with the special people in your life. It’s way more fun when they think like you!

Let’s begin!

  • Close your eyes and smile for 10 seconds.
    Sound simplistic? Maybe. But it works so well, that the results will amaze you. Do it first thing in the morning when you wake up. And don’t say you don’t have time. We can all find 10 seconds in the morning to close our eyes and just smile.
  • If there are kids or others in your bed, invite them to join you. I know, the kids need to get to school, or your partner needs your advice on a business deal, or your friends are planning a birthday, or you need to get to work, or a million other things. But just take 10 seconds for you. Close your eyes. And smile!
  • Don’t think! Just let your own special memories surface by themselves. Hold on to your own image(s), and your own happy thoughts for 10 seconds, and lock them in.
  • Do this every single morning and see how you feel by the end of the week. You just began a new habit!

Share the magic!

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Magelica’s Voyage
The Rescue